by arnosoft



VOCs, short for Volatile Organic Compounds, are organic compounds that are primarily carbon and hydrogen, volatile at room temperature in the form of vapors or gases. can cause diffusion From being used as a destroyer in industry and households Into the body by touching, breathing and eating, which poses a risk to health. It is a carcinogen. and affect other health systems such as the reproductive system, respiratory system and nervous systemThis VOCs App will help to record the measurement of VOCs to be accurate and tidy by bringing the data to be sent back to the Server for analysis. and can produce a report.—————————————————————————————Contact developer arnosoft - Facebook channel : https://www.facebook.com/T.Wongsatho - Website : https://arnosoft.com/ - Channel Line ID: arnosoft - Tel : 0879473044—————————————————————————————